Treasure hunts! A Story as old as time!
Join the Hunt to find the coveted treasure. The concept has been around for a long time and has been a tradition in the Duffy Clan for decades. Recently the concept has taken on a new, more modern edge. Making the most of new technologies, experience a modern twist on a classic adventure based puzzle game.
The teams are mixed and chosen by the Quiz Master. The teams are as balanced as possible (picking the teams is nearly as difficult as some of the clues!)
The two teams then split up and try to answer the clues presented to them. Not as easy as it sounds!
Each clue leads to the next until, finally, the treasure is found. But beware, this is a race against the clock as the other team try to get to the treasure first!
First to the treasure!
Take what you can, give nothing back, its a pirates life for me!
Game over when the treasure is found.
All is not lost.
This is a points based game, and whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the ultimate winner. Theres more than one way to skin a cat, especially when pints = points!
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A Corrigan2k7 Event